South view of the cabin

Located 50 km south of Paris, on the edge of the Forêt de Fontainebleau in a wetland, this wooden cabin was built over four consecutive summers (2013–2016).
Originally conceived as a hidden hut for summer camping and wildlife observation, the project grew in importance and complexity over time. Local acacia trees were felled and sharpened to become rot-resistant stilts, elevating the cabin above the wetland’s hydrological cycles. Oak beams and scavenged delivery pallets were used to create the primary horizontal structure. Multiple iterations of the design were built and disassembled before arriving at the final version.
Many thanks to our friends who participated with great energy, ideas, and enthusiasm: Charlotte S., Eleonore D., Jeanne M., Cilia H., Mateo H., Eva H., Naomi H., Gabriel M.

North facade

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